Tennis Rockers

Is protein really THE profound dietary difference we are all in need of or yet another trend that all people, including tennis players need to reconsider?

Show Notes

Protein is deified in our culture as THE key element to our diets that will affect our energy, health, and performance levels, but is it really or is it yet another “trend” to latch onto for those in search of a simple answer to complex nutritional needs we human beings and especially we human being tennis players?

In this episode, we spark a nutritional conversation about protein in the hopes of providing a different perspective on the cultural protein push.  

Thanks for joining us on our journey!

What is Tennis Rockers?

Are you ready to re-imagine and reconstruct the way you realize not just the game of tennis but all the other ways you compete in life? Tennis Rockers pull together beliefs, concepts, ideas, people, and values from a cross-section of multi-disciplinary fields for the purpose of doing things a little different. Tennis Rockers don't just want to change the game, they want to help people think about changing how they see and live their lives.

Coach Claude and coach Sully cordially invite you to put the pedal to the metal and join an unconventional conversation on tennis and life. Nothing good comes from standing still.